"The longing for God is imprinted in the soul as its first prayer. It is the quest for the Absolute, which burns like fire in a person's being and will not be quenched until the longing is heeded. It is an impulse intrinsic to the human heart, embedded in our spiritual DNA, forming our souls, personalities, and orientations to the world.

This monastic instinct is never extinguished, but expresses its passion for the sacred wherever life is found. In meditative awareness, we discover the radical emptiness that is more primordial than religious identity. We are called to plant the seeds of a new kind of monastic devotion, one that is open to people of all religious, nonreligious, and spiritual orientations."

B. Lanzetta

The Monk Within project seeks to provide access to mystical teachings, prayers, and other resources for the person longing to grow closer to Holy Mystery.